Samen Slim is een project van stichting MaatschappeijkMakelaars.nl, dat zich inzet voor jong en oud. Buurtbewoners, van de buurten D,E,F en G, uit Amsterdam zuidoost zijn van harte welkom deel te nemen aan de activiteiten die Samen Slim organiseert.
Het aanbod aan activiteiten kunt u vinden onder het kopje activiteiten en onder het kopje To-Taal op deze website. Wilt u deelnemen aan één van de activiteiten kunt u klikken op de desbetreffende activiteiten voor meer informatie.
Het aanbod aan activiteiten kunt u vinden onder het kopje activiteiten en onder het kopje To-Taal op deze website. Wilt u deelnemen aan één van de activiteiten kunt u klikken op de desbetreffende activiteiten voor meer informatie.
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Vind hier meer informatie over TO-TAAL

Peter Packer
“ Eduma does an excellent job of recognizing each student as an individual learner. It promotes creativity, divergent thinking and innovation in its teaching and learning philosophy. The school is committed to making sure that every child has the resources and support to succeed. ”

“ Eduma provides a well-rounded education that includes not only core subjects but also development of the whole child. Eduma impresses upon children important values and character traits to help develop not only the student but also the developing person. ”

John Doe
Art director
“ Eduma is special because of the strong relationships between staff, students and parents. The Eduma community embraces staff, students and parents and the important role each plays in providing a strong academic, safe and fulfilling environment for kids. ”

“ Eduma does an excellent job of recognizing each student as an individual learner. It promotes creativity, divergent thinking and innovation in its teaching and learning philosophy. The school is committed to making sure that every child has the resources and support to succeed. ”

“ Eduma provides a well-rounded education that includes not only core subjects but also development of the whole child. Eduma impresses upon children important values and character traits to help develop not only the student but also the developing person. ”